You can go out for food and bar fun without feeling guilty. It is possible and sensible to have fun sometimes. You don't have to stay home and be super disciplined just to avoid over indulging and damaging the hard work that you've been putting into living a healthier lifestyle. Everything in life needs balance. You have to give yourself time and permission to let loose and have a great time, but do it with some thought to maintaining your lifestyle.
Food choices
No matter where you go, the chances are good that you'll be able to find food choices that won't destroy your diet.
Avoid fried dishes. Sure, they taste good, but you won't feel great after you eat them.
Try to choose a dish with vegetables. Even pizza with vegetable toppings is a good choice. Just make sure that you ask for light cheese.
Try grilled meats if they are available.
Share a dish with one of your friends. This way, you're having a smaller portion and half the calories.
Chances are good that you'll want to have an adult beverage or two while you're at the bar. It's fine to indulge. The trick is to pace yourself. Don't slam back one drink after another. Aim for one drink per hour. Sip on a glass of water between beverages. The water will help you stay hydrated. Alcoholic beverages cause dehydration.
Join in on the fun
There is usually plenty to do when you go to a restaurant that is also a bar. Join in on the fun. Get up and dance, play a game of pool, take part in trivia challenges or play some darts. These are just a few of the common activities you can take part in at these establishments. All too often, the focus is on food and drink when one goes out. By keeping this mindset, you're missing out on so many other things that you could be doing.
Now that you know you can go out and avoid the guilt, do a quick search for 'bar restaurants near me'. Don't lock yourself in the house just because you're trying to do better with your food and drink choices. Get out there, mingle with friends, and have fun. Just make smart choices and you'll feel great. You can be healthy and still enjoy every opportunity for fun that life brings your way.